Before I die

Thinking about death clarifies your life.

The conmemorative activities of the day of the dead in México are full of meaning, emotion and creative expressions to honor the memory Sigue leyendo →

Fun Review

First graders have been working this bimonthly with the topic about nature. This week they made a beautiful rainbow with wrinkled paper, thus reviewing colors and singing the Sigue leyendo →

How is my health?

During the first bimonthly period, students from 4º grade in elementary worked on topics such as health, exercise and keeping fit. They talked about all they do at home and school to lead a healthy life.

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My family tree

As part of the learning process of the first bimonthly period, the A2 level students from groups 1S4 and 2S2 developed a project related to their family tree. The students used grammatical Sigue leyendo →