The Science Club at the “Servicio Sismológico Nacional”

Why are we having such an intensive seismic activity in Mixcoac recently? How deep is the movement of the earth layers? Is it possible to prevent an earthquake? These and many other questions were answered during the talk that some of our students of the Science club attended last Tuesday February 27th at the “Servicio Sismológico Nacional” in Ciudad Universitaria.

With entertaining and interesting simulations they were explained how the waves of energy behave during seismic activity.

At the moment we arrived we witnessed the moment of a real earthquake detected the system.

They were shown how seismic activity was recorded years ago, when we didn´t have the technology, we have now.

 Students had the opportunity to express some of their concerns and beliefs about earthquakes and share some of their experiences, as well as to learn about how a typical day in the “sismológico” is.

Teachers:  Ma. Genoveva Chávez and Sara Lissette Gómez

Science Club


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