Technology is everywhere entwined in almost every part of our culture. It affects how we live, work, play, and most importantly learn. With mobile and other wireless devices
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Technology is everywhere entwined in almost every part of our culture. It affects how we live, work, play, and most importantly learn. With mobile and other wireless devices Sigue leyendo →
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“Change your words, change your mindset”
This month’s bulletin board is dedicated to all of our students who are going through the last and maybe the hardest part of the school term: final exams and grades.
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El pasado viernes 26 de mayo, el Colegio Madrid participó en la cuarta edición del encuentro “Education Day” organizado por la Cámara de Comercio Británica en México. En este evento, Sigue leyendo →
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El pasado viernes 19 de mayo se realizó la tercera entrega de diplomas al mérito estudiantil del curso escolar 2016-2017, mediante los cuales la Junta de Gobierno del Colegio Sigue leyendo →
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El Colegio Madrid participará activamente en Education Day 2017, organizado por la Cámara de Comercio Británica, presentando sus avances en la enseñanza del Inglés, mismo que ha Sigue leyendo →
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Our personal divinity
This bimester we learnt more about ourselves. Based on the astonishing books of Jean Shinoda Bolen: The God in Every Man and The Great Goddess in Every Woman Sigue leyendo →
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Los trabajos de los segundos grados, se ven reflejados este mes en el periódico mural.
“The wheel of choice” y “My family”
Por parte de la asignatura de Inglés, se trabajó Sigue leyendo →
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Using the English language in real life and within different contexts outside the classroom has been made possible by the inclusion of the English academy in the field trip to PetStar, Sigue leyendo →
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Science is always investigating the effects of food on our body, and in recent years they have begun investigating superfoods.
Superfoods are food products that are said to have a Sigue leyendo →
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Last week 4th grade students practiced and recycled all that they have been learning throughout the year playing with an app called «Kahoot!»
Teachers previously prepared questions Sigue leyendo →