Reading time

In an increasingly globalized world, mastering English has become a basic skill for personal and professional success. However, beyond its academic value, reading in English from childhood opens the doors to a universe of possibilities that enrich children’s lives in unimaginable ways.

At Colegio Madrid, we believe that through books, children who read in English immerse themselves in different cultures, traditions and ways of thinking. With each page, they explore new worlds, meet characters, know settings and customs, that expand their vision of the world and help them develop an open and tolerant mind.

Reading, not only in English, offers a huge wealth of knowledge in every imaginable area. From science and technology to history, art and literature, young readers access endless information that stimulates their intellectual curiosity and feeds their thirst for knowledge.

For this and many other reasons, let us continue to promote reading in all its branches, languages ​​and expressions.

María Leal’s  Library

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